Hello, everyone. How are you doing? さて今週はPOPクイズの答えをお知らせします。どれだけ正解していたかな・・・?Let’s take a look♪
★POP QUIZ Part 1: Answer★
(Speaking) (of) a test, I’m going to have one next week.
I don’t (feel) ( like) (going ) out today.
The movie was (too) difficult (to) understand.
I (can’t) (help) (watching) this American drama called “24 TWENTY FOUR”
I (can’t) (wait) (to) go to Hawaii!
(How) (about) some pizza for lunch?
You can order anything. (it’s) (up) (to) you.
I (can’t) (stand) this summer heat!
If you are interested, (how) (about) trying the new restaurant?
(It) (depends) on the wheather.
How did you do? Was it easy or difficult? いかがでしたか?これからもこれらのフレーズを忘れない様に、積極的にどんどん使って楽しくコミュニケーションをしていきましょう。(^o^)v それでは、See you all next BIG SMILE Journal !! RIEKO